Messy May
Grumbling and Grace!
This Sunday 7th May is Messy Church again! We’ll meet from 4:30 – 6:30pm at Ivanhoe Uniting Church, Seddon St, Ivanhoe.
We’ll have our usual extravaganza of activities, crafts and games, and a celebration time in the church. And we’ll finish it off with our usual yummy shared meal!
Our story this time is about the Israelites who escaped from being prisoners in Egypt and were wandering around in the wilderness. God provided manna for them to eat… but they grumbled a lot about it! We’ll use this story to wonder about our own lives: what are the things we grumble about? Where does God provide grace, even when we’re unable to see it?
There are 2 things that it would be great if you could bring along for Messy Church this time:
Firstly, if you could bring some leaves and flowers – particularly autumn leaves! We’ll use these as part of our craft.
Secondly could you please bring some non-perishable food items to donate to people who have less than we do. The story is one about God providing for us, and so this is a way that we can help provide for others in need.
If you have friends who you think would like to join us at Messy Church, please bring them along with you!
Contact Rev Sandy Brodine for further information.