Induction of Rev Denise Liersch
Heidelberg Scots Church was packed to overflowing on the afternoon of Sunday 29 January 2023 for the service inducting Rev Denise Liersch into the position of ‘Discipleship, Christian Education and Small Group Ministry’ with the Banyule Network.
The occasion was a joyful one, with much singing and some laughter and a feeling of warmth and hope.
During the induction service, Denise was reminded of her responsibilities as a Minister of the Word in this new placement. Then a group of people from the congregations and communities came forward with symbols representing the Network. As well as the usual Bible, water, bread and wine, there were other symbols more specific to the Network – a basket of toys representing Messy Church and a computer and mobile phone, representing modern ways of communication.
The Presbytery Chair then declared, to enthusiastic cheering, that Denise Liersch was inducted into the Banyule Network as a Minister of the Word.
Representatives from other local churches were called up to offer Denise their good wishes on behalf of their congregations. These included members of Anglican, Baptist and Catholic congregations, as well the Imam from the local Islamic Mosque.
Then Denise gave a short heartfelt address. She spoke of being excited but a little nervous, and she thought that probably members of the Network felt much the same!
It was a fittingly joyous occasion for the beginning of a new ministry in the Network.