Cafe of Dangerous Ideas

Friday 25 October 2024 at 7.30pm

Sycamore Tree Cafe

185 Burgundy Street, Heidelberg

Ever wanted to ask questions about funerals and planning for them? Ever wondered what you need to know about organising your own funeral? Just curious about death?

Join us for our annual evening about all things death at the Cafe of Dangerous Ideas as we talk with a minister, an undertaker and a palliative care nurse. 

Café of Dangerous Ideas Facebook Page

Cafe of Dangerous Ideas

Friday 20 September 2024 at 7.30pm

Sycamore Tree Cafe

185 Burgundy Street, Heidelberg

Veronica Sherman is the founder of and lives here in Melbourne. At age 10 she immigrated to Israel from Sweden. After completing her army service she moved to Australia to study Theology.

She will be sharing the story of unravelling from her double dose of Zionism.

Join us as we investigate some of the background to the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. 
No need to book. Just turn up!

Café of Dangerous Ideas Facebook Page

Veronica Sherman

Cafe of Dangerous Ideas

Friday 30 August 2024 at 7.30pm

Sycamore Tree Cafe

185 Burgundy Street, Heidelberg

Did you know that in Victoria, the Conversion Practice & Prohibition Act bans practices that try to change or hide someone’s sexuality or gender?
The law says that “all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, (should) feel welcome and valued… and (should be) able to live authentically and with pride.”
Jac Tomlins will be speaking to us about the ramifications of this legislation and how we can ensure safe spaces in our communities for LGBTQIA+ folks.

No need to book. Just turn up!

Café of Dangerous Ideas Facebook Page

Jac Tomlins has been creating positive change for the LGBTQIA+ community for 30+ years – as a campaigner, an advocate, a trainer – and now as a consultant.

Cafe of Dangerous Ideas

Friday 26 July 2024 at 7.30pm

Sycamore Tree Cafe

185 Burgundy Street, Heidelberg

In 2023, the Uniting Church in VicTas passed a proposal, advocating for the decriminalisation of possession, and personal use, of small amounts of illicit drugs, as part of a health-based approach to the issue of drug use. Join us as we examine the reasons behind this decision and the ongoing issues around criminalising drug usage.

Your speakers are Mark Zirnzak and Keith Banks.

No need to book. Just turn up!

Café of Dangerous Ideas Facebook Page

Keith Banks is a best-selling author who has spoken about his early experiences in the Queensland Police Force and involvement with the Drug Squad under the Bjelke-Petersen government. His experiences give him a unique take on the realities of the drug trade in Australia. He has written the books “Drugs, Guns and Lies” and “Gun to the Head”.

Mark Zirnzak joined the Uniting Church’s Justice in Mission department in 1999 and became its director in 2004. In 2019, Mark became the Senior Social Justice Advocate. Mark is a active in seeking social justice in the areas of climate change, refugees, modern slavery, regulation of the online world, family violence, tax reform, poverty, and alcohol reform.

Cafe of Dangerous Ideas

Friday 28 June 2024 at 7.30pm

Sycamore Tree Cafe

185 Burgundy Street, Heidelberg

Join Penny Jones and Jo Inkpin as they discuss the gift of Queer Spirituality and the opportunities for growth and development of an increasingly diverse and rich area of faith. Penny and Jo will reflect on the richness of alternative voices in the faith space – both for those who participate regularly and for the wider community

No need to book. Just turn up!

Café of Dangerous Ideas Facebook Page

Cafe of Dangerous Ideas

Friday 31 May 2024 at 7.30pm

Sycamore Tree Cafe

185 Burgundy Street, Heidelberg

Many people found the Referendum results on the Australian Indigenous Voice Proposal to be deeply distressing.

Join us for an evening with local elder Uncle Charles Pakana, as we explore positive change.

No need to book. Just turn up!

Café of Dangerous Ideas Facebook Page

Cafe of Dangerous Ideas

Friday 26 April 2024 at 7.30pm

Sycamore Tree Cafe

185 Burgundy Street, Heidelberg

How do we support those who are attempting to reintegrate into society after they’ve been behind bars?

Join our panel of speakers as they talk about their time in prison, and efforts to provide supportive environments for those who have finished their sentences.

No need to book. Just turn up!

Café of Dangerous Ideas Facebook Page

Friday 23 February 2024 at 7.30pm

Sycamore Tree Cafe

185 Burgundy Street, Heidelberg

The Café of Dangerous Ideas is back for 2024!

Our first speaker is Matt Morrison, who will be speaking about his involvement in Vision Quests which are a rite of passage used by American First Nations people which includes fasting and a sweat lodge.

Matt will speak to his experience of participating in three vision quests, including what he experienced, what he learnt during the process and his reflections now, a decade later.
All are welcome.

No need to book. Just turn up!

Café of Dangerous Ideas Facebook Page